Python Database Programming: Part Seven

Python database programming

Using Sqlite to perform a join operation under Eclipse.

In the previous article, we used connection objects to insert values into an existing database. In this article, we will cover performing some simple join operations.

Python Database Programming: A Join Query

The following script implements a simple query that performs a join on the player and team tables:

import os
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('my_database')
cursor = conn.cursor()
select player.firstname, player.lastname, team.teamname
from player, team
where = team.teamid
order by player.lastname asc
for row in cursor.fetchall():

When you save and run this script, you will see output like the following:

('Lucas', 'Duda', 'New York Mets')
('Bryce', 'Harper', 'Washington Nationals')
('Travis', "d'Arnaud", 'New York Mets')

This script initializes the connection and cursor in the same manner as the previous script. Then it passes a simple join query to the cursor execute method. This query selects two columns from the player table and one from the team table. This is a simple query, but you will still want to format your queries so they are readable, similar to what is shown here.

When working with user interfaces, you will often need to expand IDs stored in the database to human-readable values. In this case, for example, the query expands the team ID, querying for the team name. You can’t expect people to remember the meaning for numeric IDs.

They query also orders the results by the players’ last names in ascending order. This means that it starts at the beginning of the alphabet, which is what you would normally expect. However, you can reverse this and have them sorted in descending order. Note that it doesn’t work quite the way I wanted it to; “d’Arnaud” appears last because it was double-quoted.

After calling the execute method, the data, if any was found, is stored in the cursor object. You can use the fetchall method to extract the data. You can also use the fetchone method to fetch one row at a time from the results. Note also how the data appears as Python tuples.

In order to perform the next join operation, we must first run the following script:

import os
import sqlite3

# Create tables
create table user
    (idnum integer,
    username varchar)

# Insert data into the table
insert into user(idnum, username)
values(100, 'travis')


This script creates a new table (user) and inserts one record: an idnum (100) with a corresponding username (travis).

Now we are ready to run the following script:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('my_database')
cursor = conn.cursor()
username = 'travis'
query = """
select u.username,p.firstname,p.lastname,t.teamname
from user u, player p, team t where username=?
and u.idnum = p.idnum
and = t.teamid
cursor.execute(query, (username,))
for row in cursor.fetchall():
    (username,firstname,lastname,teamname) = row
    name=firstname + " " + lastname
    print(username,":",name,"plays for the",teamname)

When you run this script, you should see the following:

travis : Travis d'Arnaud plays for the New York Mets

This script performs a join on all three example tables, using table-name aliases to create a shorter query. The purpose is to find a given user in the database by searching for that user name. The script also shows an example of expanding both the player’s ID to the player’s name and the team’s ID to the team’s name. All of this makes for more readable output.

This example also shows how you can extract data from each row into Python variables. For example:

(username,firstname,lastname,teamname) = row

An important new feature of this script is the use of a question mark to enable you to build a query using dynamic data. When you call the execute method on the Cursor, you can pass a tuple of dynamic data, which the execute method will fill in for the question marks in the SQL statement. Each element in the tuple is used, in order, to replace the question marks. [Thus, you need to have as many dynamic values as you do in the SQL statement.]

query = """
select u.username,p.firstname,p.lastname,t.teamname
from user u, player p, team t where username=?
and u.idnum = p.idnum
and = t.teamid

cursor.execute(query, (username,))

The query used in this example is very helpful when you want to start updating rows in the tables, because users will want to enter meaningful values.

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Python Database Programming: Part Six

Python Database ProgrammingIn the previous article, we covered creating and accessing databases with Sqlite. In this article, we continue our look at the Python database APIs.

You must download a separate DB API module for each database you need to access. Modules exist for most major databases with the exception of Microsoft’s SQL Server. You can access SQL Server using an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) module, though. In fact, the mxODBC module can communicate with most databases using ODBC on Windows or an OBDC bridge on UNIX or Linux.

A complete listing of databases is available at the official Python wiki. You just need to download the modules you need, and follow the instructions that come with the modules to install them. You may need a C compiler and build environment to install some of the database modules. If you do, it will be described in the module’s own documentation. For some databases, such as oracle, you can choose among a number of slightly different modules.

Python Database Programming: Creating a Connection Object 

A Connection object provides the means to communicate from your script to a database program. Note the major assumption here that the database is running in a separate process (or processes). The Python database modules connect to the database. They do not include the database application itself.

Each database module needs to provide a connect function that returns a connection object. The parameters that are passed to connect vary by the module and what is required to communicate with the database.

Parameter Usage
Dsn Data source name. This usually includes the name of your database and the server where it’s running.
Host Host, or network system name, on which the database runs.
Database Name of the database.
User User name for connecting to the database.
Password Password for the given user name.

The above table summarizes some of the more common parameters. For example, here’s a typical connect statement:

conn = dbmodule.connect(dsn='localhost:MYDATABASE', user='chris', password='agenda')

With a Connection object, you can work with transactions, close the connection, and get a cursor.

A cursor is a Python object that enables you to work with the database. In database terms, the cursor is positioned at a particular location within a table or tables in the database, much like the cursor on your screen when you’re editing a document, which is positioned at a pixel location.

To get a cursor, you need to call the cursor method on the connection object:

cursor = conn.cursor()

Once you have a cursor, you can perform operations on the database, such as inserting records.

import os
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('my_database')

# Create players
insert into player(idnum,lastname,firstname,age,team,lefthanded,totalwar,earliestfreeagent)

insert into player(idnum,lastname,firstname,age,team,lefthanded,totalwar,earliestfreeagent)

insert into player(idnum,lastname,firstname,age,team,lefthanded,totalwar,earliestfreeagent)

# Create teams
insert into team(teamid,teamname,teamballpark)
values(18,'New York Mets','Citi Field')""")

insert into team(teamid,teamname,teamballpark)
values(20,'Washington Nationals','Nationals Park')""")


The first few lines of the script set up the database connection and create a cursor object:

import os
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('my_database')

Note how we connect to an Sqlite database. To conect to a different database, replace this with your database-specific module, and modify the call to use the connect function from that database module, as needed.

The next several lines execute a number of SQL statements to insert rows into the two tables set up earlier: player and team. The execute method on the cursor object executes the SQL statement:

insert into player(idnum,lastname,firstname,age,team,lefthanded,totalwar,earliestfreeagent)

This example uses a triple-quoted string to cross a number of lines as needed. You will find that SQL commands, especially those embedded within Python scripts, are easier to understand if you can format the commands over a number of lines. This becomes helpful with more complex queries. Also, note that we used double quotes around the last name in this example (“d’Arnaud”) so we could include an apostrophe in the name (if we used single quotes, the apostrophe, identical to a single quote mark, would have denoted the end of the string).

To save your changes to the database, you must commit the transaction:


Note that this method is called on the connection, not the cursor.

When you are done with the script, close the cursor and then the connection to free up resources. In short scripts like this, it may not seem important, but it helps the database program free its resources, as well as your Python script:


You now have a small amount of sample data to work with while using other parts of the DB API.

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Python Database Programming: Part Four

Python Database ProgrammingIn the previous article, we introduced the concept of relational databases. In this article, we introduce the Structured Query Language, or SQL.

Python Database Programming: SQL

SQL (pronounced “sequel” or “S-Q-L”) defines a standard language for querying and modifying databases. SQL supports the following basic operations:

Operation Usage
Select Perform a query to search the database for specific data.
Update Modify a row or rows, usually based on a certain condition.
Insert Create new rows in the database.
Delete Remove a row or rows from the database

SQL offers more than these basic operations, but at least initially, these are the operations you will be using in writing Python applications: Query, Update, Insert and Delete (QUID), or Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD).

If you are not familiar with SQL, you’re going to want a good SQL book. O’Reilly has a useful book on SQL which can be downloaded here, and if you’re looking for a user-friendly SQL book, one is available here.

SQL is important because when you access databases with the Python DB API, you must first create SQL statements and then execute these statements by having the database evaluate them. Thus you will be using Python statements to execute SQL statements.

The basic SQL syntax for the operations mentioned above are:

SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE condition ORDER by columns ascending_or_descending

UPDATE table SET new values WHERE condition

INSERT INTO table (columns) VALUES (values)

DELETE FROM table WHERE condition

This covers the basic syntax, but there are many more optional parameters and specifiers available. You can use these options with Python’s DB API.

To insert a new row in the player table from the previous article, you can use an SQL query like this one (even though we are adding data and not getting data, the convention is that all SQL commands or statements are called queries):

insert into player (idnum, lastname, firstname, age, team, left-handed, totalwar, earliestfreeagent) values (103, ‘Murphy’, ‘Daniel’, 30, 18, ‘Yes’, 10.9, 2016)

In this example, the first tuple holds the names of the columns in the order you are using for inserting your data. The second tuple, after the keyword values, holds the data in the same order. Notice how SQL uses single quotes to delimit strings, and no quotes around numbers.

With queries, you can use wildcards such as * to say that you want an operation to be performed using all of the columns in a table. For example, to query all of the rows in the team table, showing all of the columns for each row, you can use a query like this:

select * from team

Note that SQL is not case-sensitive for its keywords, such as SELECT and FROM. But some databases require table and column names to be all uppercase. It is thus common to see people use SELECT and FROM and other operations in all capital letters to make them more easily distinguished from other parts of the query.

This SQL statement omits the names of the columns to read and any conditions that would otherwise narrow down the data that would be returned. Thus the query will return all of the columns (from the *) and all of the rows (because there is no where clause).

You can also perform a join with the select command, to query data from more than one table, but present it all in a single response. For example, to extract the team name with each player, you could perform a query like the following:

select player.firstname, player.lastname, from player, team
where = team.teamid order by lastname desc

In this example, the select statement requests two columns from the player table (the firstname and the lastname, but these are specified as coming from player by the convention of specifying the table name and the column name in the table) and one from the team table ( The order by section of the statement tells the database to order the results by the value in the lastname column, in descending order.

To simplify these queries, you can use aliases for the table names, which make them easier to type and read. For example, to use the alias p with the player table, you can start a query like this:

select p.firstname, p.lastname from player p

In this case, you must place the alias, p, after the table name in the from clause. You can also use the following format with the optional keyword as, which could be easier for you to read:

select p.firstname, p.lastname from player as p

To modify or update a row, use a SQL statement like the following:

update player set age=27 where idnum=100

This example modifies the player with an idnum of 100 by setting that player’s age to 27. As with other queries, numbers do not need to have quotes around them; however, strings would need to be quoted with single quotes.

To delete a row, use an SQL statement like the following:

delete player where idnum=101

This example deletes the player with an idnum of 101, but doesn’t affect anything else in the database.

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Python Database Programming: Part Three

Python Database ProgrammingIn the previous article, we showed how to create, access and modify a persistent dictionary in Python using the dbm module. In this article, we will consider using Python to create, access and modify a relational database.

The dbm modules work well when your data needs to be stored as key/value pairs. You can store more complicated data within key/value pairs with some imagination. For example, you can create formatted strings that use a comma or some other character to delimit items in the strings. This, however, can be difficult to maintain, and it can restrict you because now your data is stored in an inflexible manner. In addition, some dbm libraries limit the amount of space you can use for the values – sometimes to a maximum of 1024 bytes.

The upshot of all this is that if your data needs are simple and you only plan to store a small amount of data, you should use a dbm persistent dictionary. If, on the other hand, you require support for transactions and if you require complex data structures or multiple tables of linked data, you should use a relational database. If you use relational databases, you will also find that they provide a far richer and more complex API than the simple dbm modules.

Python Database Programming: Introducing Relational Databases

In a relational database, data is stored in tables that can be viewed as two-dimensional data structures. The columns, or vertical part of the two-dimensional matrix, are all of the same type of data (e.g. strings, numbers, dats, etc.). Each horizontal component of the table is made up of rows, also called records. Each row is made up of columns. Typically, each record holds the information pertaining to one item.

idnum last name first name age Team left-handed total war earliest free agency
100 d’Arnaud Travis 26 18 No 0.0 2020
101 Duda Lucas 29 18 Yes 2.9 2018
102 Harper Bryce 22 20 Yes 9.6 2019

This table holds seven columns about baseball players:

  • idnum: The player’s ID number. Relational databases make extensive use of ID numbers where the database manages the assignment of unique numbers so that each row can be referenced with these numbers to make each row unique, even if they have identical data. We can then refer to the player by the ID number. The ID number alone provides enough information to look up the employee.
  • lastname: Holds the person’s last name.
  • firstname: Holds the player’s first name.
  • age: Holds the player’s age.
  • team: Holds ID of the player’s team.
  • left-handed: Holds whether the player is left-handed.
  • total war: Holds the player’s total WAR (Wins Above Replacement).
  • earliest free agent: Holds the earliest year the player will be eligible for free agency.

In this example, the column idnum, the ID number, would be used as the primary key. A primary key is a unique index for a table, where each element has to be unique because the database will use that element as the key to the given row and as a way to refer to the data in that row, in a manner similar to dictionary keys and values in Python. Thus, each player needs to have a unique ID number, and once we have an ID number, we can look up any player. Therefore it makes sense to make idnum the key.

The team column holds the ID of a team – that is, an ID of a row in another table. This ID could be considered a foreign key, because the ID acts as a key into another table.

For example, here is a possible layout of the teams table:

team id name ballpark
18 New York Mets Citi Field
20 Washington Nationals Nationals Park

In these examples, Travis d’Arnaud and Lucas Duda play for team 18, the New York Mets. Bryce Harper plays for team 20, the Washington Nationals.

In a large enterprise, there may be hundreds of tables in the database with thousands (or even millions) of records. In the next article, we will cover how to make SQL queries with Python.

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